We drove to our hotel, settled in, got massages, and then the whole team (Shiri, Mary, Emanuel, Francesco, and I) took the tram back to our apartment where my sister made us a great dinner. It was excellent. My dad and our dog Laska (“Love” in Czech) were there too, so it was pretty much a big party. The only person missing was my mom, who wouldn’t come back till Sunday morning from her trip in Croatia.
After the great food which I actually didn’t have much time to enjoy between translating constantly, we went for a walk through the city. From our apartment we walked to Wenceslas Square (Vaclavske Namesti), Old Town Square (Staromestske Namesti), the Charles Bridge (Karluv Most), and the Prague Castle (Prazsky Hrad). We pretty much saw the best of Prague in this evening, and the whole team was in awe of the beauty of Prague--and righty so. It indeed is one of the most beautiful cities in the world. After the 3 hour walk we all were quite tired, but still remembered that water is life, and life is good in the Czech Republic.
David! I "laska" this entry! How wonderful that Team Silver got to meet your family! Maybe you can show me around Praha sometime?:) - Lindsey
jsem moc ráda, že tak krásně píšeš o domově. Zdravím do Moskvy a držím palce pro počasí (v Dublinu je 11°C). V pátek 29.6.07 odjíždím do Irska a 7.7.07 se vracím. To vy už budete v Omsku a mířit budete do Novosibirsku. Co Tvoje ruština? Zbylo z ní něco?
Pozdravuji v Stříbrném týmu a hlavně se všichni opatrujte!!!
Hello Lindsey!
Yes, it was great that my BPR friends got to meet my family. It was quite special.
Ahoj Mamco!
S Rustinou to docela jde. S kombinaci par Ruskych a hodne Ceskych slov se docela dorozumim.
Zdar Dawe
jak se běží? Pozdravuj na východě a bacha na medvědy:o)
Cau Pavle!
Diky ze sledujes muj blog! Bezi se dobre. Ted zrovna muj team bezi vnoci, takze dnes jsem bezel tesne pred pulnoci. Medvedi zatim zadni :-)
Mej se hezky, Mr. Veverka!
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