• Some 6,000 children die every day from disease associated with lack of access to safe drinking water, inadequate sanitation and poor hygiene – equivalent to 20 jumbo jets crashing every day.
  • Water-related illnesses are the leading cause of human sickness and death
  • In the past 10 years, diarrhea has killed more children than all the people lost to armed conflict since World War II.
  • 1.1 billion people in the world do not have access to safe drinking water, roughly one-sixth of the world’s population.
  • PLEASE CONSIDER DONATING: $30 provides safe drinking water for 1 person for a life time! TO DONATE, just follow this link.

Thursday, July 12, 2007

A European, in Asia, missing America...

Friday, July 13th – 2:48am
I’m sitting in a van, somewhere past Novosibirsk in Russia. It is pitch dark outside right now. About 20 minutes ago, Shiri left for her 10miler. She was the first one from out team. We’ll be out here until just before 9am. I have the last leg of our team. We are waiting at approximately 8km (5mile) mark of Shiri’s course…
…… 20 minutes later. An interesting idea just crossed my mind. I am a European, right now in Asia, and I miss America. Isn’t that strange? Our Russian van driver just put in his portable DVD a US movie, and we watched some. It brought back memories of America. It was odd hearing words like Cincinnati and Kentucky, hearing the southern accent, seeing an old diner. Over the last 10 years, the U.S. has become my second home. I owe many things to the U.S. It is disappointing being abroad and hearing bad comments about the States. Being European, the people often are much more open with me when talking about the U.S. I wish they could meet the people I know in the States. I wish they could meet the people that care about humanity deeply...the Schichtels, the Steeds, the Aunt Sally’s, the Mrs. Quinns… Unfortunately, they can’t. All they can often know about the States is its foreign policy, and some of the culture that has been exported through the media, often filtered and distorted. It is my sincere hope that the heartfelt, sincere, caring people that we meet along the way on the Run could meet and talk with the caring, sincere, and heartfelt people that I know back in the States. Those that have helped me along my last 10 years.
It is 4:24am now. Shiri has finished her run, and Dot is out there right now. It’s still somewhat dark, but an amazing sunrise is on the horizon. Siberia is looking very beautiful at this moment.
I’ve decided to start dedicating by blog entries. Appreciation is an important value to me. Vast majority of what I am and what I have done is because of those before me.
Today, I want to dedicate this entry to my parents, Dasa and Milan. Without their positive outlook on life and adventurous spirit, I would most certainly not be running around the world. I know it’s been hard on them last several years with me living in America. Thank you for all your support. Without you, I could not say that water is life, and life is good in Russia.

Dnes bych rad venoval tento blog mym rodicum Dase a Milanovi. Bez jejich pozitivniho nahledu na zivot a dobrodruzneho ducha bych urcite ted nebezel kolem sveta. Vim ze to pro ne bylo tezke tech poslednich par let co jsem v Americe. Diky za podporu. Bez vas bych nemohl rici ze voda je zivot, a zivot je dobry v Rusku.


Anonymous said...

Milý Dádo,
díky za díky. Až si nás s tátou dojal.
V Praze a celé ČR jsou tropická vedra: 39°C. Nějak je špatně snáším. Vždy se těším do našeho domu a bytu, kde je stále chládek. Vydala jsem přísný zákaz otevírání oken.
Už budete mít brzo Rusko za sebou a v Mongolsku vás čekají jurty. Doufám, že než doběhnete do Japonska (28.7.), se tamní tektonická zóna uklidní.
Myslíme na Tebe, zdraví Tě pí Pavelková. Opatruj se, posu posílá mamča

Anonymous said...

Aunt Sally is awesome I agree. I will show her this page when I go see her on Ther. Take Care Bill P.

David said...

Zatim zadna zemetreseni v Japonsku, ale vedro je pekne. Vlhkost vzduchu v Cine a Japonsku je opravdu velka... beha se jako ve skleniku.

David said...

Hey Bill!
Thanks for showing aunt Sally about my blog.

Anonymous said...

Genial post and this post helped me alot in my college assignement. Gratefulness you on your information.